Monday, August 24, 2009


Today I took a shower.
Hahaha ok i take one everyday but today I picked up my conditioner and its the kind that has those random questions on the back and answers on the shampoo bottle. The question was 2 out of 5 people end up marrying who? and it just so happened that we had the shampoo too even though usually we only buy the conditioner of that brand so it was kind of odd. I looked at the answer on the shampoo bottle and it said : their first love.
I started thinking about that and its crazy because that means that 40% of the married population got married to their first love!!!
My question is do the divorce rates apply to them or are they the majority of the 50 percent that stay married??? well that's silly of course the divorce rate applies to them too but it did make me think about the other 60 percent of the population of married people.
They passed up their first love.
That makes me a little sad to be honest, because I really wish that every person truly in love with another person got to marry them.
I don't know if I'm making any sense but isn't it sad that 60 percent of the people who get married were already in love and it didn't work out??
I don't know about you but I certainly don't want to have to go through the rigmarole of finding someone, falling in love, then falling back out, then finding someone else, and falling back in hoping that it will stick this time. I'm not stupid of course I want to date more than one person in the future but that doesn't mean that I will love everyone I date. I hope, and I think that you will agree with me on this one, that when I finally fall in love that's it. However our society doesn't seem to agree on this for some reason. Maybe that's why there are so many mean people in this world, everyone is heartbroken, because I'm not sure that once you are really in love you ever fall out of it(at least that's what parent trap says ;)
All I'm saying is that I hope I'm in the 40% that only have to fall in love once.


nani said...

awwh thats such a sweet post and i totally agree with you

maeganrenee said...

morgan i still need my answers!!!! but i like this as well

chrisssaywinter said...

loveeee this!