Saturday, August 22, 2009

Morgan's Relationship Collumn ;)

Yes I do have a life!!!
Its a pretty darn good one too!
But has anyone else noticed that the single life can get... well... lonely???
Oh goodness that's so common its like has anyone else noticed that they breathe oxygen??
Or have you noticed that when you fall it hurts??
But its true most of us occasionally feel that tiny twinge of loneliness on every other Tuesday of the third month of every other year right??
Haha so its a little more often than that... ok its a few times a week.... I'm not admitting to any more than that! :)
But really I have a question for everyone and here it is :
Were we designed to live life in some sort of coupling formation, or is that something that stems from a deficiency inside us??
Because I do not want to believe that because I would rather be in a relationship than single at this point in my life that something is wrong with me.
However I do accept the obvious fact that if someone cannot function without being in a relationship that there is something wrong.
So where is that delicate balance between being healthy and wanting a relationship, and being unhealthy and needing a relationship??
I for one do not need a relationship.
I only know this because I have only spent roughly 2 to 3 months of my life in a dating relationship.
Honestly I didn't like it all that much so I quit much like one would quit their first job at a fast food joint.
But really we all know those people who always seem to be in a relationship! or at least "talking" to someone.
That's one thing I hate!! When someone says to me "Yeah I have been 'talking' to this guy for about a month now" my personal vote is that a) it needs a new term because I can't stand the current one and b) If he still hasn't asked you out in a month of "talking" then he isn't worth your time deary.
Back to my point I think the line between the "healthy"(sorry for all the quote marks just feeling a little quote happy) desire for a relationship and the unhealthy need for one is semi-vague.
It does seem however that there is a knowledge that the line really exists because in the gossip circle you'll hear the undercurrent of disapproval when girls are constantly leap frogging from one guy to the next. (I just made up that term leap frogging it means when a girl or a guy sets up another relationship before they jump ship on the first one. I personally find this practice tacky and definitely unhealthy for all three parties involved.)
When it comes to wanting a relationship here is how I define healthy : A strong person confident in who they are and who wants someone to share stuff like movies and bad chinese food with.
Unhealthy defined is : An insecure person seeking to complete themselves by finding someone to fill in their cracks.


maeganrenee said...

morgan i love this....hoest to blog question am i in a healthy dating relationship?????

maeganrenee said...

column has one l not two

John LaRosa said...

ooo you're one smart cookie Morgan :). I agree with you completely. No one should feel like they absolutely have to be in some sort of a relationship to feel complete, but unfortunately many people do. I believe that it is in our human nature to want emotional attachments and companionship, but I don't think we are supposed to need it to "function" properly, as you put it.