Thursday, August 27, 2009

Maegan and Dominic

So today I decided that I would document various present and previous relationships of my friends and family and discuss them with all 5 of you! :)
So lets start with Maegan and Dom since she is so insistent on knowing mu opinion of them!
Maeg and Dom met at panera, a place near and dear to my heart, where they both work.
Dominic thought Maeg was a little weird before he got to know her cause the first time he met her she was going on and on about a zebra dress or something equally ridiculous, and then I guess more and more time stuck at panera started to realize how amazing my crazy sister is.
They started out as friends and one night after work Maeg, Johnny L, and Dom went out for ice cream.
Then they went out on their first date, which Maeg having a slow day didn't realize was a date till after it was over.
They went to New Paltz to see a movie and stuff, and of course I knew she liked him cause she tells me everything. When she came home and told us about it Tab and I were like "that was totally date!!"
So Maeg texted Dominic and said something like "I'm slow and my sisters said this was a date, was it?"
And he said "well I was hoping it was"
and that's how it all started, but they did take things very slow!
I think it took them a month to hold hands and not until sometime after that were they "official".
But anyways now they are "in love" and as long as I'm not feeling cynical it's all very adorable.
I think they have a very healthy relationship because they both communicate well and express how they are feeling.
They never have had a fight and that is saying something since I know how difficult my sister can be! But they do have their obstacles like any couple like the fact that he is moving away in October or November and this makes my whole family sad since we have become very fond of Dominic and his brothers Sean and Brendan!! ( Sean Brendan Tabatha and I formed a secret sonic society called the F***ing Awesome Four which Maegan and Dominic are very upset not to be a part of- and the name was not my idea and I think I have only said the whole thing once just so you know)
But Maegan and Dominic are good together and I love them both and I'm not sure what else to say I mean they may not have an awesome meet-cute(movie term ask later if you don't know what it means) but they are a great example of how simple relationships can be and how loving someone can be pretty darn easy.


maeganrenee said...

i didnt know you had such faith in me!!!!!!

Morganlea said...

hahaha even if i didn't i wouldn't write it in pubic vieew!!! no but its the truth

John LaRosa said...

your blog is such fun to read :)

Morganlea said...

hahaha thanks