Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't try this at home

One of my friends decided that the way to handle a break up was to get back into the dating game.
This strategy is fine after the healing process takes place but... he started dating again the day after the break up.
This lead to three dates within the week of the break up, with three different girls.
One of these dates led to one particular girl liking him, and he liked her but...
His emotions were too jumbled up from the breakup to treat her as she remotely deserved.
So please do not follow his example and rush back onto the dating scene!
Your emotions just get very screwed up and you end up hurting other people!
This practice has classically been called rebounding, however my term for it is tanning with a sunburn. Ok so that's not a term but that is exactly what it's like! You haven't healed from the past experience before you repeat it!! Except in relationships you aren't risking sun poisoning you are risking someone else's heart that isn't yours to break.
A good rule of thumb for healing time for semi-short term relationships is half of the length of the relationship. However with longer ones, for instance relationships that lasted for longer than 8 months, there really is no set time period it really is just when you are ready. But if you think you are ready and its the next week you are wrong and you need to start doing something else with your time like knitting! just kidding, but really get a hobby, and hang out with friends I know its not the same as dating but its better than siting at home moping around.

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