Wednesday, August 25, 2010

scary lady numero dos

okayyy so my classes seem like they are gunna be epic!
i have bio, english, chem, statistics.
Bio the prof is super nice and i know like 6 people in that class.
ENGLISH however the VERY scary lady is not nice and I know NOONE! lol
Chem the prof has a beautiful puppy, and is chair of chem dept and super cool, and i made a friend in that class.
Stat is cool i know like 3 or 4 peeps and I met someone new, and the Prof is awesome, and funny.
I need to buy
lab coat
lab book bio
lab book chem
stat book
english the common reader
i already bought them chem book and one of the eng books
I think i can get away with reading the other eng book in the library, and the bio text there too.
then after class i ate w/ my friend shona
then i came back to the dorn and chilled for a while
then hung out with jolene and angie for a while
then i took a nap
then i went with carlos to grab coffee
then we got our laptops taken care of, and steve and this girl can't remember her name invited me to the mall but i didnt feel like it :p
then i got dinner with angie
then i came back to the dorm like an hour ago :)
so its been good :)
I think i might go hang out with rob for a while he is nice.
they're all nice lol

1 comment:

maeganrenee said...

:::)))))) you make me happy