Monday, August 30, 2010

First monday!

SOO i'm sorry for all these day summary things, momma made me promise to do this before I left, and its not like anyone else reads these anyways!
Todayy was very exciting
I woke up at 6:30 cause it takes me unbelievably long to get ready for the day.
showered, did hair, did make-up.
then I went into the "kitchen" (quotes absolutely necessary because said kitchen has neither stove nor any other cooking instrument), and did some devo's.
Then it was about 7:30 and I headed to the caf, and got breakfast.
Animesh was there, and saw me sitting by myself and joined me.
( I sat on the side with my back to Rachel cause now she full on hates me, which I dont really care about, but the whole hate thing is a new concept to me)
then we went to class, and bio wasn't bad we got these awesome photocopies of the slides she is using, but they have little lines on the sides to make notes on.
Then I had english, and we talked about the short story we read for hw, and it wasnt so bad.
Then there was CHEMISTRY!!!
which I love, love, love!!!
thennn there was statistics fo da life sciences(ghetto intended).
I sat next to julian and he is really cool ,but the class is borderline coma inducing!!
THEN I did something very exciting!
I went to lunch, and guess who was there? Rachel! you guessed it!
So animesh sat with me again, but then that kid I met in orientation came to sit w/ me, and so did Rob ,and this kid w/ the hawiian name koma( he got stuck in hawii for a month! lucky duck!) and animesh left again. Then I had lab.
WHICH was really lame, but I think it' going to get better!
then at 3:30 i came back to the dorm and talked to bri for a bit, and did th fb thing.
then around 4:30ish rob and I went to the library, AND THEN we went to din din.
I think you know who was there: rachel!
Somehow they are still cool, so he wanted me to sit with her and be nice(his words not mine)
But I really didnt want to, so I took a really long time making my waffle and walked super slow over to the table, and then he is like ya know what? we'll go sit over there.
I said okayyy.
We get over to some other table and I asked whyy the change in plan, and he says
I almost choked!
No one has ever wanted to physically hurt me before!!! what the heck???
So I ate my waffle, and we went back to his dorm for a while watched a little tv, and he and steve stole my phone for the 70 billionth time.
then we went back to the library, and I did two hours worth of work, and came back to the dorm, and chatted with beatriz about all this crap, cause she missed it all this weekend.
So yeah that's basically now :)
God is good, and you know what? besides the shock of someone hating me THAT much, and possibly spreading rumors about me, I don't really care.
God's got my back, and I should have told her I would tell him , but that is the past, and as far as friend loyalty I did the right thing.
In any case, I love this school, my life, my FAMily, my FRIENDS, my GOD, and my CHEM class! :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

This morning when I was listening to last weeks sermon, I got so much out of it cause I was feeling defeated this morning, and like I was a mess up.
BUT it talked about how Peter felt like he had a big F on his forehead.
But then by the end we find out that Peter is a great man of God and that the F is more like a stamp of forgiveness than failure.
I was feeling so bad about Ty, and all the other guy icky stuff that I just can't seem to keep myself out of.
But it reminded me that a. I'm covered under grace and b. that God's gunna fill in the little cracks and holes that those mistakes have left behind, and He is giving me the courage to stay clean from my drug.


It's sunday, and I didn't make it to church BUT I listened to last weekd sourmon again and got even more out of it and that was great!
Then I ate brunch with Henry.
Then I came back to the dorm and watched a cute black and white movie.
Then I went over to rob's for a while, and wrote up my bio project, and hung out with him and steve.
We watched sherlock holmes on his bed BUT I was careful that there was always a pillow between us, and I sat up so when I thought he could be thinking of cuddling I made it impossible.
Then we decided we had better get dinner so we did, and we ran into a table of people we knew so we ate with them, and hung around a while.
THEN rachel came in... rachel told Rob that she liked him, BUT then kissed two other guys.
AND she talks even louder than I do, and is even bossier and yeahhh she kinda broke his heart.
SO she comes in and gets bossy with him, and eats and then has the nerve to text me about her problems with him and all.
SO i tell her she should tell him the whole truth, which she says she has.
BUT he sees me texting her and after I left texts me what where she and I talking about so I naturally forward him the texts, because she said she had told him the truth.
WHICH of course she hadn't.
Sooo I'm about to go back over to finish the movie, and to talk about how much I dislike her.
He was convinced I was jealous, but I'm not as we all know my silly little heart could never fall for a white boy ;)
love you all :)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

saturdays oh saturdayss

So todayy and yesterday were awesome.
Yesterdayy i woke up, did laundry, showered, and went to lunch with angie, rob, and henry.
Then I hung out with rob and henry in rob's dorm for a while.
Then me, rob, ang, mellissa, jolene, justine, and will went to play air hockey, and pool.
I don't entirely suck at either one sooo it was coool lol
then rob went home for the weekend, and then i got bored.
So i went back to the dorm and watched tv for a bit.
Then I got hungry I ran into henry on the way to dinner, and he joined me.
We ate and talked for two hours lol.
then i came back to the dorm and watched more tv
at like 10 i got reaaaaallly hungry, so I ordered too much chinese food.
We haven't gotten our fridge yet so i had to throw away the left overs :(
Then I went to sleep :)
THEN this morning Henry and I went to lunch and the mall.
It was fun, but the mall we went to was super small, and that sucked.
Then we walked back, and I was gunna take a nap but instead what did i do? i watched more netflix.
Then I was like brilliant plan! I will practice guitar!
Then I thought hmmmm I should go to the gym!!!
So I texted angie and asked her to go with me.
So i met her there and we bike(9 miles :) and then I came back and showered.
Then it was 5 , so me angie and henry got food.
then we were walking back with steve and ended up joining a jam session in the yard type thing in front of the dorms, and made new friends :)
then around 7:30 I got bored and came back to my dorm to what? watch netflix some more :)
and that was my time :)
BUT this morning i got to thinking about how tabby and maeg were hanging out without me and that made me sad :(
and I miss ty, for some reason of all my friends I miss him soo much (dont tell him though) lol

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

scary lady numero dos

okayyy so my classes seem like they are gunna be epic!
i have bio, english, chem, statistics.
Bio the prof is super nice and i know like 6 people in that class.
ENGLISH however the VERY scary lady is not nice and I know NOONE! lol
Chem the prof has a beautiful puppy, and is chair of chem dept and super cool, and i made a friend in that class.
Stat is cool i know like 3 or 4 peeps and I met someone new, and the Prof is awesome, and funny.
I need to buy
lab coat
lab book bio
lab book chem
stat book
english the common reader
i already bought them chem book and one of the eng books
I think i can get away with reading the other eng book in the library, and the bio text there too.
then after class i ate w/ my friend shona
then i came back to the dorn and chilled for a while
then hung out with jolene and angie for a while
then i took a nap
then i went with carlos to grab coffee
then we got our laptops taken care of, and steve and this girl can't remember her name invited me to the mall but i didnt feel like it :p
then i got dinner with angie
then i came back to the dorm like an hour ago :)
so its been good :)
I think i might go hang out with rob for a while he is nice.
they're all nice lol

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


SOoooo classes haven't started yet BUT it's pretty cool here.
This is day 2 of college life extravaganzaaaaa.
I kinda miss everyone but I think mostly I miss getting hugs.
I have a few huggy friends so i think i will be okayy eventually.
Also, the whole not having a kitchen thing cause I cant just like go grab a glass of water or anything.
Also it gets pretty tirig constantly getting to know people.
I'm meeting new people, and my roommates are cool, and kinda quiet so that's a Godsend.
The honors program is pretty small, and i made friends in that too.
I have class only 3 days a week!!
I have unlimited meals so I can grab breakfast, lunch, and dinner whenever.
The food selection is decent I mean I had soup, salad, and marble cake for dinner and it was very tolerable almost good even :)
and the capachino machine is amazing( well good anyways :)
but usually I just drink diet coke or something.
The bummer is that my friend who I'm with all the time only has the 7 plan, meaning she only has 7 meals a week so that sucks.
also my friend rob has a wake tonight and that's sad but he wants to hang out and talk when he get's back so i of course said yess cause how can you say no?
my tummy hurts at the moment so i really dont feel like socializing till then.
but its been a great dayy and i cannot wait until tomorrow :) my classes my classes :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

This summa
1-table I painted
1- boy I have kissed this summer
2- times i kissed him
2- stupid things I did
2- scarves I've knitted
2- silly songs I wrote
2- times I went to walkway over the hudson
2.5- hats I've knitted
3- song's i learned
3- times I went to the beach
3- people in my family who i'm gunna miss
4- numba's i got w/ my playaness
5- the best friends I spent time with
6- days till I leave
7- days till I start over
8ish- times I cried
too many- movies I paid to see that sucked
too many- people I won't see again
too many- people I will miss
not enough- self respect/ control
not enough- selfless acts
not enough- faith
infinity- God's grace for me :)
This summer has been great. Clearly I've made mistakes, and unlike most people I would take them back if I could. But God is good, and I'm learning. So much has made this summer great..
I'm rambling but that's okayy cause noone cares anyway lol!
Gosh I'm going to miss this place, and these people.
But mtown is like a best friend with the flu.
you miss them but if you stay with them you'll just get sick.
So bye bye silly little town, 211, besties, family, mhs, and basically everything else familiar :)
I would be scared to death if i didnt know that God has my back

Monday, August 2, 2010


I miss you childhood.
I have only been an adult for a few hours, a couple days, a week or so, and several months.
but its gone like the morning dew on June grass.
Its gone.
It was a tearful goodbye, but it was said.
But just for no one's information in particular I suck at being grown up.
That isn't important though, what is important is that I get better.
That means
a. reading all my mail
b. not sleeping with stuffed animals(oh wait I dont do that anyway)
c. not complaining in the face of scary events
d. learning how to speak grown-up
e. not procrastinating
f. making more lists