Friday, September 18, 2009


For me singality (yes John I know it's not really a word) is a way of life.
Although I didn't really get to choose so far it's how my life seems to role.
It's sort of like mono if you think about it.
Somehow you caught it sometimes from being skanky and sometimes not so much and it's something that sticks with you for a while and adjusts your life around it.
Movies are more complicated because you actually have to find people to go with you.
Then you have to make sure they are all 17-with id because there is no honor system in the movie theater as i found out last week- cause you are probably going to see something funny and it's probably going to be rated r.
There are endless of these senarios really.
So embrace the singality!!!
Because you are only single once... nope thats not true.
Ummm you only live once... unless you are one of those reincarnation religions.
You are only young once... unless you get plastic surgery.
Hahahaha well you get my drift.


nani said...

i loved this post! ^.^

John LaRosa said...

you could have just said "singleness" :)

Morganlea said...

yeah i know john i just don't always like to be perfect.