Saturday, October 3, 2009


I'm definately not a cynic.
I beleive in happy endings too much to be one.
I may masquarade around as a realist also but deep down I am secretly just a romantic.
I also honestly believe that most other people on our lovely home planet are romantics too.
Doesn't everyone want to find their hero/heroine or at least be someone's hero/heroine?
Deep down everyones little imperfections stem from the desire to be loved.
Most of us express this desire in turn for the desire of a significant other.
So here is my point: everyone wants to be loved and this makes them romantics.
Ok let's go over a few sterio-types and we will see if this is a true prognosis on the whole.
Definition: young people who generally seem serious and reserved. They also tend to wear tight pants and lots of make-up.
Ok this one is obvious!!!! they are "emotional" because they feel like no one loves them!!!!
Definition: young people who are generally "well dressed"-the definition of well dressed being that they wear mostly big
name brand clothing.- These people generally come from suburbian areas and may or may not mingle with other stereo-types.
This one is pretty easy too these kids are also stereo-typed as snobby. This is because many are. They are this way because
they are self concious, and they are this way because they fear that if they do not look perfect then no one will love them .
Definition: a) someone in a gang
b) someone who has a characteristically urban style, and often speaks in slang vanacular.
I have no comment on the type a "gangsters"( in fact i disagree with the whole gangster title but hey i diodn't pick it) however,
the type b I have some say. My opinion is that they act tough because they have either been hurt before and are thus protecting
themseves or they are expected to act this way by friends ect. So they also act/dress the way they do because they fear
either being hurt or being unloved.
Definition: Someone who is socially awkward, and also shows a significant interest in academics.
There are two types of dorks as well.
1) those that accept their dorkiness-I happen to fall into this category although I don't think I'm that socially awkward
2) those who are blissfully unaware of their nerdiness.
The type 1 dorks generally have nothing to hide although they have issues with love as well. Type 2 is much worse. These tend to think that they belong to another type and
therefore have multipul problems in the area of being unloved.
I could go on all day about why every stereo-typical group has basic issue with self acceptance and fear of rejection, but I
think you get the point.
Everyone wants to be loved.
Yes it's an cheesy, outdated concept but how much more true could it be??
And how much more denied and concealed could it be??
More than anything else it seems everyone has the common problem of not wanting the world to know that they require
I think it's part of our make-up as humans to be romantics.
Or maybe its just me :)

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