Monday, August 31, 2009

Here is the thing

Why do boys drive girls so crazy??
I don't think girls make guys as crazy as they make girls and I do not appreciate the unfair balance.
I think I have a pretty level head when it comes to guys but my friends...
Sometimes not so much, so that means that I have do deal with their craziness about guys and it is truly trying.
Not that I'm complaining about listening to them, its what I do second best, but if guys didn't make them so insane then they wouldn't make me so insane and my life would be so much more simple.
I can only think of a few solutions
#1 ignore all of my friends until they reach middle age
Ok i could only think of one.
No but really girls I want you to think about this: what gives them the right to make you so crazy?
That's just it they do not have that right.
So please for the sake of my sanity stay sane.

Don't try this at home

One of my friends decided that the way to handle a break up was to get back into the dating game.
This strategy is fine after the healing process takes place but... he started dating again the day after the break up.
This lead to three dates within the week of the break up, with three different girls.
One of these dates led to one particular girl liking him, and he liked her but...
His emotions were too jumbled up from the breakup to treat her as she remotely deserved.
So please do not follow his example and rush back onto the dating scene!
Your emotions just get very screwed up and you end up hurting other people!
This practice has classically been called rebounding, however my term for it is tanning with a sunburn. Ok so that's not a term but that is exactly what it's like! You haven't healed from the past experience before you repeat it!! Except in relationships you aren't risking sun poisoning you are risking someone else's heart that isn't yours to break.
A good rule of thumb for healing time for semi-short term relationships is half of the length of the relationship. However with longer ones, for instance relationships that lasted for longer than 8 months, there really is no set time period it really is just when you are ready. But if you think you are ready and its the next week you are wrong and you need to start doing something else with your time like knitting! just kidding, but really get a hobby, and hang out with friends I know its not the same as dating but its better than siting at home moping around.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

I don't hate

Haha I'm not a hater.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Maegan and Dominic

So today I decided that I would document various present and previous relationships of my friends and family and discuss them with all 5 of you! :)
So lets start with Maegan and Dom since she is so insistent on knowing mu opinion of them!
Maeg and Dom met at panera, a place near and dear to my heart, where they both work.
Dominic thought Maeg was a little weird before he got to know her cause the first time he met her she was going on and on about a zebra dress or something equally ridiculous, and then I guess more and more time stuck at panera started to realize how amazing my crazy sister is.
They started out as friends and one night after work Maeg, Johnny L, and Dom went out for ice cream.
Then they went out on their first date, which Maeg having a slow day didn't realize was a date till after it was over.
They went to New Paltz to see a movie and stuff, and of course I knew she liked him cause she tells me everything. When she came home and told us about it Tab and I were like "that was totally date!!"
So Maeg texted Dominic and said something like "I'm slow and my sisters said this was a date, was it?"
And he said "well I was hoping it was"
and that's how it all started, but they did take things very slow!
I think it took them a month to hold hands and not until sometime after that were they "official".
But anyways now they are "in love" and as long as I'm not feeling cynical it's all very adorable.
I think they have a very healthy relationship because they both communicate well and express how they are feeling.
They never have had a fight and that is saying something since I know how difficult my sister can be! But they do have their obstacles like any couple like the fact that he is moving away in October or November and this makes my whole family sad since we have become very fond of Dominic and his brothers Sean and Brendan!! ( Sean Brendan Tabatha and I formed a secret sonic society called the F***ing Awesome Four which Maegan and Dominic are very upset not to be a part of- and the name was not my idea and I think I have only said the whole thing once just so you know)
But Maegan and Dominic are good together and I love them both and I'm not sure what else to say I mean they may not have an awesome meet-cute(movie term ask later if you don't know what it means) but they are a great example of how simple relationships can be and how loving someone can be pretty darn easy.


Tell me all the reasons why life is great!! :)

Wars, battlefields, and who knows what else?

What I don't get is this obsession to say that love is a battlefield.
But I do know that it isn't a new obsession cause there is that other song too from forever ago.
Anyways, who wants love to be a battlefield?? Honestly, who??
I certainly don't like the concept that falling in love is like going to war!
As you know, I'm one of those who still hold out hope that when it's the right person it won't be hard, so
tell me why the hell I would I want to compare love to a battlefield?
I think the people who do do it because they want the other person to love them.
In fact the other person might even think that they love said soldier but I don't think they truly do.
If one or both parties are continually getting wounded like in a battle or war then that's not love they are in it's something else,
lust possibly, co-dependency , or maybe they just aren't in love anymore .
But whatever the reason that people feel that love is a battlefield it isn't healthy.
Any relationship that is that difficult to maintain and is that painful should be ended as soon as possible.
Because if someone doesn't love you(especially if they don't know they love you) there is no way to fix that you
can't make them love you so say goodbye and good riddance because any person not in love with you is stupid and insane.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Today I took a shower.
Hahaha ok i take one everyday but today I picked up my conditioner and its the kind that has those random questions on the back and answers on the shampoo bottle. The question was 2 out of 5 people end up marrying who? and it just so happened that we had the shampoo too even though usually we only buy the conditioner of that brand so it was kind of odd. I looked at the answer on the shampoo bottle and it said : their first love.
I started thinking about that and its crazy because that means that 40% of the married population got married to their first love!!!
My question is do the divorce rates apply to them or are they the majority of the 50 percent that stay married??? well that's silly of course the divorce rate applies to them too but it did make me think about the other 60 percent of the population of married people.
They passed up their first love.
That makes me a little sad to be honest, because I really wish that every person truly in love with another person got to marry them.
I don't know if I'm making any sense but isn't it sad that 60 percent of the people who get married were already in love and it didn't work out??
I don't know about you but I certainly don't want to have to go through the rigmarole of finding someone, falling in love, then falling back out, then finding someone else, and falling back in hoping that it will stick this time. I'm not stupid of course I want to date more than one person in the future but that doesn't mean that I will love everyone I date. I hope, and I think that you will agree with me on this one, that when I finally fall in love that's it. However our society doesn't seem to agree on this for some reason. Maybe that's why there are so many mean people in this world, everyone is heartbroken, because I'm not sure that once you are really in love you ever fall out of it(at least that's what parent trap says ;)
All I'm saying is that I hope I'm in the 40% that only have to fall in love once.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Relationship column number 2

The other day was talking to my mom and her fiancee on the back porch- which is something that happens a lot in my family, it seems the back porch and the dining room table are our major talking forums- and we were talking about finding the right person.
Dave, my mom's fiancee, says "Look Morg I found your mom, sure I'm 37 but hey I found the right person for me! So will you!"
Ok does anyone else see a problem with this particular piece of encouragement??
Perhaps that it took him 37 years to find the love of his life!
I don't know about you guys but I'm not particularly inclined to wait that long, I mean my patience is good but I'm not the angel of patience(if there even is such a thing) if you know what I mean.
But that whole discussion brought up the age old question in my mind and here it is:
How do you know when you have found "the one"??
Sure it sounds like something Carry Bradshaw would say, but honestly I don't care how many people have asked this question before because as of yet I haven't heard a reliable answer for it!
In my entire life I have not heard anyone give a three step process for figuring out if the love in your life is in fact the love of your life, and I have heard a heck of a lot of three step process speeches in my short life.
So what is the trick?
I mean it seems we have tons of deciphering techniques for a lot of things, there are books that tell you if "He's Just Not that Into You" there are books for all different kind of dummies, but I certainly do not want to be the next in line to buy "True Love For Dummies" if that even exists.
So here is: I think, as I know you are all dying to hear yet another of my opinions :)
I think that if you are in love you know it.There is no convincing yourself you are in love when it is the real deal.
Also I have heard that if you are "meant to be" things aren't hard, like you don't constantly check your phone to see if they texted you yet because you haven't heard from them today.To paraphrase from one of the aforementioned love deciphering tools, if he likes you he will call or text or something. Do you honestly think the love of your life is going to keep you hanging?
Another thing I have heard is that love finds you when you give up. When you finally recognize that you suck at trying to find yourself love, that is when stupid cupid shows up.
So to wrap up our three step solution for your loveless love life ;) here is a review:
1. Remember lying is a sin even if you do it to yourself:)
2.Love is not actually supposed to be a battlefield so stop making it so hard on yourself.
3.Cupid likes his victims unprepared to put the binoculars away.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Morgan's Relationship Collumn ;)

Yes I do have a life!!!
Its a pretty darn good one too!
But has anyone else noticed that the single life can get... well... lonely???
Oh goodness that's so common its like has anyone else noticed that they breathe oxygen??
Or have you noticed that when you fall it hurts??
But its true most of us occasionally feel that tiny twinge of loneliness on every other Tuesday of the third month of every other year right??
Haha so its a little more often than that... ok its a few times a week.... I'm not admitting to any more than that! :)
But really I have a question for everyone and here it is :
Were we designed to live life in some sort of coupling formation, or is that something that stems from a deficiency inside us??
Because I do not want to believe that because I would rather be in a relationship than single at this point in my life that something is wrong with me.
However I do accept the obvious fact that if someone cannot function without being in a relationship that there is something wrong.
So where is that delicate balance between being healthy and wanting a relationship, and being unhealthy and needing a relationship??
I for one do not need a relationship.
I only know this because I have only spent roughly 2 to 3 months of my life in a dating relationship.
Honestly I didn't like it all that much so I quit much like one would quit their first job at a fast food joint.
But really we all know those people who always seem to be in a relationship! or at least "talking" to someone.
That's one thing I hate!! When someone says to me "Yeah I have been 'talking' to this guy for about a month now" my personal vote is that a) it needs a new term because I can't stand the current one and b) If he still hasn't asked you out in a month of "talking" then he isn't worth your time deary.
Back to my point I think the line between the "healthy"(sorry for all the quote marks just feeling a little quote happy) desire for a relationship and the unhealthy need for one is semi-vague.
It does seem however that there is a knowledge that the line really exists because in the gossip circle you'll hear the undercurrent of disapproval when girls are constantly leap frogging from one guy to the next. (I just made up that term leap frogging it means when a girl or a guy sets up another relationship before they jump ship on the first one. I personally find this practice tacky and definitely unhealthy for all three parties involved.)
When it comes to wanting a relationship here is how I define healthy : A strong person confident in who they are and who wants someone to share stuff like movies and bad chinese food with.
Unhealthy defined is : An insecure person seeking to complete themselves by finding someone to fill in their cracks.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ode to Butterflies

My stomach is in a knot.
Not sure what I've got.
Can't wait to find out,
Just what this is all about.
My heart feels light.
Everyday seems so bright.
Hahahahaha ryhming is so ridiculous!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Somewhere in the Middle - casting crowns

Somewhere between the hot and the cold
Somewhere between the new and the old
Somewhere between who I am and who I used to be
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me

Somewhere between the wrong and the right
Somewhere between the darkness and the light
Somewhere between who I was and who You're making me
Somewhere in the middle, You'll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Fearless warriors in a picket fence, reckless abandon wrapped in common sense
Deep water faith in the shallow end and we are caught in the middle
With eyes wide open to the differences, the God we want and the God who is
But will we trade our dreams for His or are we caught in the middle
Are we caught in the middle

Somewhere between my heart and my hands
Somewhere between my faith and my plans
Somewhere between the safety of the boat and the crashing waves

Somewhere between a whisper and a roar
Somewhere between the altar and the door
Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me

Just how close can I get, Lord, to my surrender without losing all control

Lord, I feel You in this place and I know You're by my side
Loving me even on these nights when I'm caught in the middle