Monday, September 27, 2010


this has been one crazy monday!
I did my morning routine, and then grabbed a capachino with rachel on the way to class, but it's been such a long day that i cant believe that was today at all.
Then went to class, and thankfully my 11am was cancelled, so i ran back to the dorm and finished the questions that were due for lab at 1.
Then I layed down for like 5 minutes, but then I got up to grab super quick lunch then go to bio ex credit on time management, then i had lab, which was super exaughsteing since for some reason at one point my lab partners designated me a task that i felt i couldnt do properly, and i felt like they werent helping, and ever decision i made i felt like they were undermining. But it got better, and we ended up going over a little on time, but so did the whole class.
Then I went back to my room and feel into a dead sleep for an hour and a half, which was the blessed highlight of my dayy. Then rob wanted me to come over, and i did cause we needed to talk about him being (excuse my french) a witch. then we talked that out, and I'm really still not happy about the whole thing but he recognized that nothing was my fault that he freaked out for no reason pertaining to me. Then we hung out w/ppl for a few min, and then I went to din din with ang,and talked it out with her. Brendan came by and we talked a lil about it too. Then me and ang went back to her room, and Djejry stopped by, and he and i went to rob's to meet up with everyone for Angel's birthday to go to the diner. Then we walked there, and we all laughed and joked, and we ate and sang and laughed, and walked back doing the same thing. I was joking around with kevin and he made me feel really bad cause he said i was inconsiderate of rob's feeling by joking around too much wioth him and Djerjy which is true but it stung, but he did it carefully but it still hurt, but he was right. Now I have no idea how to act, and its frustrating. Rob got sick at dinner, and i of course took the bossy role of ensuring he took propper care of himself cause frankly he was fragrantly disregaurding his health and more than anything is pissed me off. By the time we got back to the room he has apperantly thrown up twice more, which i didnt know cause I'd been talking to Djerjy and Kevin about my coldheartedness. So I oersirbed a bottle of water, and rest, the rest he disregaurded but the water her drank.
We played poker, and I came back to the dorm at a lil before 12, and decided to get my laundry done tonight. SO that's what I'm doing right now. MY laundry. SO I will have more time to study, and work out tomorrow.
But right now I'm tired, and I feel lonely.
I will live and everything will be fine, but Kevin's reprove still stings(although he jokes with me as much as i do him I think it was a reprove to himself as muich as it was too me), and I feel like in order to put this whole thing behind me I have to move on and not talk about it, but I still feel no peace about the situation.
So if your reading this please pray for me:)
I also have two tests this week and an essay due monday, and another test either this week or next week.
I'm running on fumes and it's monday :)
Lord help me!

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