Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I wore the right shoes, and I had great hair.
I did my nails(sure i did them sunday and they are already messed up but who cares i did them okay;)
I had a good day, but not because of any of any of those things.
I had a great day because frankly I have good friends.
I have mediocre teachers, and a sucky school district.
Most of all God was watching out for my day, and my heart.
That sounds silly, but its how I feel.
Today could most definately have been really icky, but it was slightly awesome.
I even shovelled the driveway, and all day i have not been able to figure out how to spell shovelling or shovelled.
I'm also pretty sure that pandora is trying to brain wash me into going to bitz.com for some reason(just kidding.)
Anyways thats my rant for the day so all my love goes out to you my friends :)
peaaacee ;)

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