Saturday, February 27, 2010


I have about three weeks left of 17 and that breaks my heart just sayin

Why am i not a nice person?

I was gunna ask why am i mean, and awful?
but i know why because in this world instead of paying forward happiness and goodness we tend to pay forward all of the bad things that have happened to us.
So as a typical child of divorce i pay forward all my daddy issues to the poor guys who are unfortunate enough to fall for me.
instead of transferring hugs and love we transfer the middle finger and hatred, but you just wait that is about to change for me.
I'm convinced I can do this I'm convinced that God has given me my circumstances for a reason, and I'm supposed to love all of the people around me and I'm going to do my best from now on to do just that.
My Goals For This Month(march)
1. be better at loving people
2. find a job
3. find a prom dress
4. find a date
5. stop procrastinating
6. be honest
7. make a difference
8. go to the gym so I can look adorbs in my prom dress
this is sorta a long list for one month but God is good :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


yup it's wednesday and that means bible club and youth group.
One down one to go :)
Today my patience has been tried, and stretched, but it was still a great day.
But poor Maeg she had an allergic reaction and is asleep on the couch, it was a rough day for the poor kid.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I wore the right shoes, and I had great hair.
I did my nails(sure i did them sunday and they are already messed up but who cares i did them okay;)
I had a good day, but not because of any of any of those things.
I had a great day because frankly I have good friends.
I have mediocre teachers, and a sucky school district.
Most of all God was watching out for my day, and my heart.
That sounds silly, but its how I feel.
Today could most definately have been really icky, but it was slightly awesome.
I even shovelled the driveway, and all day i have not been able to figure out how to spell shovelling or shovelled.
I'm also pretty sure that pandora is trying to brain wash me into going to for some reason(just kidding.)
Anyways thats my rant for the day so all my love goes out to you my friends :)
peaaacee ;)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Jason Cooley I Don't Hate You

So today I realized that I am a world class meanie.
You wanna know why?
Because once I have someone I don't want them anymore.
Not that anyone ever really has another person, but I think you know what I mean.
Anyways, that isn't the only reason I'm mean I also just expect so much from others!
Like if anyone is mad at me for any reason how dare they be mad? Or if I know it is my fault I still think well they have no right they did this to piss me off before so it's not like they are perfect!
As far as guys go I want them to be lovey but then if they are too mushy I'm like be a man!!
I have no idea what's wrong with me! hahaha
Oh well it's just who I am I guess :)
(oh and J this had absolutely nothing to do with you fyi I'm just saying I dont hate you)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pretty Pretty Princess

i am a pretty pretty princess!!
haha well at least thats how i feel this week!
it has been a great week!
it makes me anxious for the end of the year but anxious for it to never ever come.
im terrified of staying here and terrified to go!!
but this has been a great week! senior group pics and fun new classes!
fun new boys and unfun new girl drama
i just love it for now and it all makes me feel like a little princess with little prince and princess friends in a castle of high school and a kingdom of middletown!!!