Friday, September 18, 2009


For me singality (yes John I know it's not really a word) is a way of life.
Although I didn't really get to choose so far it's how my life seems to role.
It's sort of like mono if you think about it.
Somehow you caught it sometimes from being skanky and sometimes not so much and it's something that sticks with you for a while and adjusts your life around it.
Movies are more complicated because you actually have to find people to go with you.
Then you have to make sure they are all 17-with id because there is no honor system in the movie theater as i found out last week- cause you are probably going to see something funny and it's probably going to be rated r.
There are endless of these senarios really.
So embrace the singality!!!
Because you are only single once... nope thats not true.
Ummm you only live once... unless you are one of those reincarnation religions.
You are only young once... unless you get plastic surgery.
Hahahaha well you get my drift.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


today it took me several hours to come up with one sentance
i need a nap obviously

Sunday, September 13, 2009

live, love, laugh, cheese

Sometimes I feel like its so hard to say something true about myself or this world without sounding cliche.
That's one thing about cheesy phrases or quotes or ideas, they got that way because they are generally true or appealing to most of us.
For instance that phrase the grass is always greener on the other side.
We have all heard it a million times, seen at least ten sitcoms or something illustrating the point, but do we get the concept??
I don't know about you but I still haven't internalized it, because I still look at someone who has something I don't- lets say a class for instance- I think that their class is better than mine simply because well i haven't experienced it to know that it's just as crappy as mine.
So I like my world sprinkled with cheese because if you deny cheese you are denying truth.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My NEW Bucket List

Bucket List
  1. Graduate High School
  2. Go To an Epic College
  3. Major in Something Important
  4. Fall in Love
  5. Graduate College
  6. I guess this doesn't count but I want to change peoples world's in lots of little tiny ways
  7. Do Something I Thought I Couldn't
  8. Find A Job That Helps Others
  9. Get Married
  10. Own My Own House-with lots of bright colors
  11. Have A Picket Fence
  12. Have a Baby/Babies
  13. Write A Book
  14. Get my Masters then PhD
  15. Learn to Drive
  16. Learn to Do Something New
  17. Get a Tattoo on My 60th Birthday
  18. Love All the People in the World I Possibly Can
  19. Plant A Beautiful Garden
  20. Never Dye My Hair
  21. Help Someone Find Their Way
  22. Tell Someone About Jesus

triple bind

Ok this might sound like crap to you but hear me out.
Sometimes I think that the feminist movement may have hurt women more than it helped.
That being said I don't think that all the time just sometimes, and here is why:
Women, well specifically teenage girls, now need to be good at all of the traditionally "female" roles as well as the traditionally "male" roles to be acceptable in today's American society.
The traditionally "female things"being : pretty, good at relationships( a "good girlfriend), sexy, a good friend, ect.
The traditionally "male things"being: good at sports, smart, emotionally unattched, ect
So now a typical teenage girl has to fill the role of athelete, girlfriend, daughter, friend, student, pretty girl, ect.
This might not sound hard, but if you are attempting to be above mediocre at all of these tasks it gets much more diffactult. Say you are a serious student, a serious athlete, a serious girlfriend, a great friend, and a good daughter who helps out at home what time do you have to just be good at being you?
The book The Triple Bind talks about the confliction between many of the "male" and "female" roles as well.For example society dictates that you be pretty or unacceptable, however if a girl is preoccupied her looks she is considered0and probably is- obnoxiously obcessed with ther appearence. Another example would be in the area of sexuality, because a girl who isn't having sex is often considered a tease, while one who is is often considered a slut. So now we as girls have to be effortlessly beatiful and find the line between sexy and slutty somehow, all while being an occomplished athlete and A student.
Anything less than this is considered unacceptable and either parents or peers will often make that clear.
So I think we can see how some girls can crack under that kind of pressure!!
Now I'm not saying that we should take back anything accomplished by the feminist movement. On the contrary I'm saying that we should free women,and in fact all people, even further by begining to abolish these ridiculous ideas of what other people should or should not be.
After all who exactly are we to tell someone else to and how to do something? Who made us the experts?
So lighten up on yourself and everyone around you because as my mommy says " Do you need to be perfect?"-well she said something like that anyway.


Unique, isn't that what we all want to be??
Isn't that what we are all attracted to, unique things I mean?
For instance, my favorite movie is Juno, it was the first movie like it.
It is funny, quirky, the songs are catchy, and most of all we are all compelled to love this fresh endearing heroine.
I read a book called the triple bind, actually I skimmed it, and it discussed how teenage girls(and probably guys too but in a different way)
are beginning to relate more with unusual characters like Elphaba from the book/show Wicked, and the characters from novels called the Uglies or something like that.
It kind of goes to show that not only are we looking for unique inspiration but also flawed role models.
Today someone asked me for my side of the story about my suspension last year, this person is a great kid and president of you name it.
Just explaining it to him, even though I knew it wasn't that bad, made me feel like I didn't deserve the things that we had both received as a result of hard work.
I watched the speech president Obama gave on education a few periods later in school and was completely inspired by this one thing he said.
He said "So I wasn’t always as focused as I should have been. I did some things I’m not proud of, and got in more trouble than I should have. And my life could have easily taken a turn for the worse. "
That simple statement reminded me that sure I can be a stupid kid but the president of our entire country wasn't perfect when he was younger either.
This really showed me that sometimes it is the flaws that we can appreciate about someone rather than their perfection.
Which is why we all love imperfect people and characters and even artwork.
Because if everything were perfect then how could anything be truely unique?

Thursday, September 10, 2009


tonight i feel like i have nothing important to say :) but I had to say something.
You know that feeling???