Sunday, October 17, 2010

sometimes I wish I was the girl in one of those stories.
you know the one's where the ending comes quickly?
Happily ever after comes after a few complications and a hero in a fast car.
But really I think I would find that kind of ending very frustrating, because what does happily ever after mean anyway?
Where is the contract guaranteeing Cinderella her happily ever after?
I would really like to have some of my pre-law friends look that over because there's gotta be a loophole for prince charming in case cinderella gets fat or something.
Im glad my life isn't a simple story wrapped up, and sparkly, and I'm happy with the journey,so much so that I sometimes loose sight of the destination.
The most frustrating part of the long way too happily ever after is that dreams like babies, and marriage that seem so close for my peers are still just as far away for me as they seemed at 14.
Hormones make me say aww every time we pass a cute baby in the mall, and my *achem* shapely (i guess u could call it) figure makes me the target of boys who want me to be either be the girl mom and dad approve of, or who want me to BE their mother in some creepy way.
Not too worry though, I am very focused, recently so though.
I now spend at least and hour and a half studying on days when I don't have class, and sometimes on days when I do.
I re-write messy notes, and try and figure out concepts that weren't explained in class, and basically I'm an even bigger nerd than I was in high school.
BUT hopefully it's paying off.
It seems to be, but I can't really tell.
There are still people who are smarter than me, AND people who are more stupid, so I guess after mid-term grades are out I'll know what I need to work on, I'm not sure.
So, clearly I'm no Cinderella, I have no wicked step mother or sisters, AND CERTAINLY no prince as of yet( but no worries I'm not holding my breath).
I'm me. Morgan Lea Freeman Giggles B-Rabbit Jesus-lady Harrison. =D
Yeahhh I know I'm self focused again sorry

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