Wednesday, May 6, 2009


So for the record being suspended sucks!
But I did finish all my homework and the essay my mom wanted me to write.
Now all I have to do is figure out what I'm going to say tomorrow at the superintendent hearing.
Any ideas?:)
I just hate all of this stress!Its killing me!
Then when I think about all I'm missing and I want to have a heart attack!
Geez!:) But I will live!
Also though what does one wear to a superintendent hearing?
I kinda feel like I'm going to my death sentencing!Lol
I'm just scared.
But hey if I could wear my green shoes I'd feel a ton better but there's no way in hell my mom will let me wear shoes with holes in them to my SENTENCING(thats what I've decided to call it:).
But I guess its all for the good cause I need to look like a very upstanding citizen(which I really would like to think I am[Yes I don't always recycle geez Im sorry]).- I think I may have overkilled on the parenthesis ya think?
But hey even if I do get kicked out for the rest of the year it's all gunna be ok. I mean I could always go to summer school(dum dum duahhhhm)- Im really scared of summer school for the record!!!!
Well I think that's all for now I'm going to try to find something productive to do like fold laundry and watch friends the entire first season:)(hey if at 12 o'clock on Thursday you'd say a little preyer for me I would really appritiate it)

1 comment:

nani said...

I will pray. I hope it goes real well.