Wednesday, December 29, 2010


"You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not."
— Jodi Picoult
Sometimes other people say what you feel and you can't find the words to say.
they just have their ish together like that.
Gosh one day I hope I have it together enough to be quoted.
for now i know a few things
God is good
the morning will always come
love is like matter, and can't be created nor destroyed
these things make me happy.
Like legitimately happy.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Today God saved my life.. through a B-.
In english that's what I got.
I'm really super happy about it though because I was scared of an F.
Like really scared!
I feel like if I passed that class I can handle this whole college thing.
If He got me through Abdoo's honors class then He is going to find a way to get me through the rest.
If I'm meant to go to med-school, then He's gunna find a way for me to pass the MCAT, and pay for that too, even if I gotta donate some eggs.
I have one more final and honestly, I should have studied, but it's chem and I really
don't know how to study for that. So God help me get through that too!
ALSO I'm about to go out with my really sweet boyfriend, I've been having the scary scary feelings but this time I'm not running, I'm doing my best to be a grown up and not do the whole scary scary thing.
soo yeahh God has been good to me!