Friday, September 26, 2008

today was...

So today was beautiful if you can interpret the irony of it.
I walked to school in the rain,no big deal.
My mom was flying to Hawaii in business class.
Ordinarily I love the rain its poeticness is endless(that's corny I know but that what I see.)
Just all of the metaphors about the rain are really pretty.
The way I like to think about it is that its washing away the stress of the worlds day.
Like the world needs a soothing shower after a long day in orbit.
And my love for tree's also plays a part since the rain waters them.
Sometimes I think that I should take a lesson from the rain.
Its so giving and to whomever happens to stand under it.
I happen to be pretty selfish, not just with things but especially with my time.
That's one of my big problems with myself, like today I really hurt some one's feeling.
What happened is that I made up one too many excuses not to hang out with one of my friends(everyone has one of those friends right?the one you hang out with because you like them enough not to want to hurt them, but you can't stand them to the point where you don't want to spend time with them.)
Anyway today she caught on when I made my excuse today and her feelings were hurt.
I hate being that friend, because people have done that to me before but after a few times I stopped trying.
Its not that I think so highly of myself or anything I just sometimes have a hard time being nice when I genuinely don't like someone,you know?
My sister isn't like that.
I'm not sure how she does it but if she doesn't like you you probably won't really like her.
And she isn't really mean or anything, she doesn't lie, she just has some supper sly way of repelling people she doesn't like.
Oh at first they will like her and think that she is awesome but when she decides that she doesn't like you you won't like her either.
Its magical maybe I should ask her how she does it.
Maegan(that's my sister) is really cool (she is my cool icon you know that person that you don't copy but you still wish that you were just like them).
She has this air about her, like this self-confident thing going for her.
But she isn't conceited or anything, just she is cool and she knows it.
Sometimes if she is upset I'll tell her how awesome she is and she'll just say"I know."
Then I just look at her and she knows that she sounded really conceited and she laughs.
We have a little brother he's pretty ridiculous though.
Just ten minutes ago he was riding the swifer around the house saying "We're in Texas"
He is strange!
We also have an older sister.
She is short and little unlike Maegan and I, we're not sure where she came from.
My best guess is Jupiter, but what do I know?
She is funny though, I worry about her sometimes since I don't think she is always very responsible.
Only sometimes she surprises me with how responsible she really is.
Like when she remembers to feed the cat, no she really is quite responsible though.
Our mom is a very interesting person.
The number one word that my friends use to describe her is "hott".
Yeah my mom is a 5' 7" blond she is really very pretty.
But mostly my mom is a mom to everyone and their brother.
She adopts children a lot(in the figurative sense).
She also takes care of our little brother who is actually our cousin so I guess in that sense she literally adopts kids too.
Oh yeah she and my older sister are in Hawaii by now I think.
Don't get the idea that I'm rich or anything, you see my older sister is a flight attendant and she is quitting so she and mom wanted go to Hawaii before she quit to use the benefits of cheap flights.
And they will both be wearing bikini's.
I'm pretty sure that other than my brother I'm the only one in my family who wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini, although my body is just as good as theirs I just don't want everyone to see it.
I'm also very white so...
Lets just say that I wear long sleeves and big hats to the beach.
Just like everyone else's siblings mine told me that I was adopted, however I was too old to believe them.
But they told me that because other than my brother who isn't my brother I'm the whitest person in my family and I used to be the only blond(sorry mom the world will know that you aren't a natural blond).